Thursday, February 2, 2012

Elephants are amazing animals. They are the largest on-land animal, and can weigh up to 24,000 pounds! Typically, elephants can live to be fifty to seventy years old, but the oldest documented elephant lived to be eighty-four. Not only are they fascinating physically and in their abilities, but they also play a large role in many cultures and even religions. There are a few characteristics that are commonly associated with elephants, namely their trunks and tusks. Elephants use their trunks for a variety of purposes, ranging from wiping their eyes to alerting other elephants of danger to smelling, aiding in hearing, and sensing vibrations. Elephant tusks, similarly, have a variety of purposes. Elephants use them for getting to food, clearing a path, and as a form of intimidation. Because the tusks are ivory, a much sought after material, elephants are frequently hunted for their tusks.  The rest of this blog will continue to explore the many fascinating aspects of elephants. Please enjoy. :-)


  1. Wow! I had no idea that elephants could get that old. I read some place that if a mother can't nurse her offspring that others in the family or flock will "help out" (I believe it was called being a wet nurse?). Anyway, I guess it helps perpetuate the species.

    Maybe you've seen it, but my mother-in law (to be) sent me this cute video

  2. Wow elephants can do a lot of really cool things with their trunks! I also heard that they use their trunks to drink water and that they can hold 10 whole quarts of water in their trunk! I wonder if they use this ability to wash each other or only to drink/splash themselves?

  3. I guess this kind of goes without saying, but I think it's fascinating how elephants have evolved in a way in which all of their physical features serve a specific function that is necessary for the animal's survival. For instance, the tusks for getting food, the trunk for smelling and sensing vibrations, and the large ears for cooling. We learn that these features are characteristic of elephants even from a very young age, but I have never actually taken the time to realize that each of these provides very important (and cool!) functions.
